About Snow Shack Media

About Snow Shack Media

Steve and Denise are 2002 graduates of Rhema Bible Training College, where Denise worked full-time for many years in the Children’s department of Rhema Bible Church and went on to teach Children’s Ministry courses in the Bible college. Meanwhile Steve had a career in software development. Denise has been in Children’s ministry for over 3 decades, and Steve joined her in ministry 18 years ago. In addition to teaching small Sunday School classes, they’ve designed and led Children’s Church services for groups as large as 300 kids. Many of their ministry assistants went on to be full-time Children’s ministers in their own churches.

Snow Shack Media was the dream placed in the hearts of Steve & Denise almost two decades ago. As they volunteered and worked in Children’s Church ministries through the years and developed and implemented curriculum, they noticed their style of teaching really touched the hearts of children; they began to flourish and foster lasting, deep relationships in their hearts with God, which remained strong through their teen years and into adulthood. The kids began bringing friends – lots of friends – and showing up more regularly. Numerous parents would comment on a weekly basis how the kids were begging them to be at church every week. Not only were they desiring to be at church, they were reading their Bibles and praying at home and even sharing how they ministered to others outside the walls of the church, sometimes feeling led to pray for others when they were at the grocery store or restaurant with their parents or another public place. They were learning to hear and follow the voice of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. They learned how to use their faith and pray for people, and they got healed.

After several promptings from God through other ministers and in their own quiet prayer times, Steve & Denise began to get excited about sharing their style of teaching with other churches and Children’s ministries, and so Snow Shack Media was born. God’s mandate to us is to join hands and walk together with churches across the nation as we go teach Faith to His children. Faith in God, faith in His Word and faith in the leading and prompting of His Spirit. Our goal is to train up the next generation of believers, disciples, leaders, and to teach them to walk in faith – and that the foundation of our faith is a strong relationship with Jesus.

Steve & Denise have a firm belief that true, lasting change comes from the inside out, not the other way around. Teaching focused on character traits and behaviors can’t stand. Real change comes when God changes the heart, and that only comes through a relationship with Him. Then the character traits and behaviors flow out of that foundation. So their curriculum focuses on God’s great and vast love for us. 

They also firmly believe that in a world of explosive technology growth; in order to remain relevant, the way we communicate and interact has to fundamentally change. Technology has made our lives simultaneously easier and more complicated. The challenge to Children’s ministers is to present the gospel message without compromise and at the same time present it in a manner that maintains the child’s attention. So they’ve licensed some of the best and brightest video content in technology and animation and coupled it with the foundational teaching of relationship and faith. Out of that union, their first series of curriculum, FAITHkids, was born.